Posted in Books

I’m Asian but not Rich and Crazy


This is a long overdue post. I bought this book sometime in June, when I was in Philippines. I thought I will find some time to read while I’m on holiday, but I was wrong.

Fast forward to September, finally I was able to grab this book and start to read. Oh my GOSH! Reading this book is like eating Pringles, once you pop you can’t stop!!! I don’t have the heart to stop reading I have to sleep late just to finish this and I can’t remember when was the last time a slept really really late just to finish a book. After this, I never looked at Singapore the same way again.

I find this book really hilarious and crazy! If you haven’t read it, please go to the nearest bookstore and grab Kevin Kwan’s “Crazy Rich Asians”.


Hello, I’m Chloe and welcome to my space! I write random stuff. I take random photos. Sometimes I do technical writing. 🙂 I’m an animal lover (dogs and cats particularly) I love taking random photos of stray cats. I love books. I don’t have a particular book genre to read. I’m a huge fan of Mitch Albom and John Grisham, btw. I’m also into KDramas. KPOp, sometimes. I don’t have a proper training for writing, I just love to write down random things that pops up from my head. 🙂 This page is a work-in-progress. YAH bless you every day! P.S I love memes of dogs and cats.

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